Summer Break Day #63

  • Oxbear, Puck, and Yali leave around 5AM on their road trip to Colorado
  • Discover that my entire Hershey’s stash for the following week is the kind stuffed with… almonds… ug…
  • Discover Patience washing the living room cabinets with generous amounts of hand sanitizer
  • Huge storm busts through in the afternoon while Patience spends a few hours at her cousin’s house
  • Carrie-Bri, Sally, and Thomas arrive in the evening for Carrie-Bri’s Zoroastrianism presentation and semi homemade pizzas




Yali walking with a tearful Patience (going to miss her dad and brothers) to the van in the early dark morning before Oxbear and the boys left for Colorado…

Yali : “I don’t know what Colorado feels like, but if you want to wave to us when we leave, wave, okay?