A couple of weeks ago, Oxbear installed a small baby camera above Patience’s crib to keep an eye on her during the night. And other things…
It was still early. I told Yali to wake up Patience and play with her until I joined them. A few minutes later, I checked the camera. Yali had just walked in holding a Reese’s peanut butter cup in his hand. Clearly, they were both excited to share in this illegal import. I waited until the Reese’s was unwrapped, then switched on the speaker and adopted my best “higher being” voice.
“I… SEE… YOU…”
Yali’s eyes snapped skyward, seeing the camera. He paused. Put the chocolate away.
Several minutes later, he met me in the hallway.
“I had the chocolate!” he confessed. “Alexa said she could see me!”