Ch. 216; Vol. 10
“You’re wearing your cowboy boots today, Puck?”
“Where are your Chucks?”
“I didn’t want to tie them. I’m not as good a star at tying shoes.”
“A star…”
“You know how when someone’s really good at something and they’re called a star?”
Puck continued eating his “double toast” for breakfast, which The Bear had prepared for him. Or his “butter sandwich” as Puck called it.
Puck may or may not have whispered…
…to me a few times during the sermon. Can’t remember why.
Before he and a pal wandered into the property next to the farm and climbed the giant mountain of dirt intended for the Page Extension. I believe… He returned for a “dad-scolding” with his trousers fully covered in dirt.
Everyone was over minus Francis on a last youth retreat – eleven of us – for French Onion Soup and Garlic Bread.
Stinkerbelle also made an appearance.
“I have to be careful,” Rose explained, holding the growling beast. “She doesn’t like it when anyone laughs behind her back. It makes her very angry.”
“She’s a mad-y pants!” Puck laughed.
“I know. I made her into a cat taco this morning.”
“I like this paw,” said Rose. “It reminds me of a kind of ice cream… moldy cheese…”
Linnea was waiting for a ride to a cast party someplace.
Clatter, clatter.
“What just fell out of your purse, Linnea?”
“Wow. You really are a pack rat.”
“They’re sporks… We’re going ‘sporking’, so I’ve been collecting as many as I can get…”
“Where did you get all those?”
“Taco Bell…”
“You are the reason for the rising chalupa price,” Carrie accused her.
Four naps, Rose watching a book-binding documentary, gimpy back, Francis ogling the truck [just back, boasting about his prowess on the giant slip ‘n slide], The Bear and Puck following ants with Fig Newton crumbs, Joe and Jaya: [jog, bike, swim], Rose-talks, Mom-talks, Dad and Francis vehicle exchange fix-up using the Toyota truck and Little Caesar’s, Carrie, Rose, and myself researching antique oil paintings and statues for Rose…
“What are you doing tonight?” Mom asked Rose.
“Partying it up.”
“You’re going home?”
I think she hung around for awhile anyway. But I didn’t find out because The Bear was playing music at an ordination service at church, which Dad, Mom, and Linnea-Irish also attended. Sort of like their mini-reunion, four months later. Platefuls of frosted sugar cookies that… I wasn’t going to touch.