Come on, Spring
With this deliberate cold snap hitting the city and surrounding areas – hard – I was surprised to find a cascade of melting icicles plastered all over the particularly dead climbing porch roses. They always manage to come back, year after year.
And as the sun continued to work magic on this frozen waterfall, the incessant – drip, drip, drip – of disappearing ice somewhere in the great outdoors propagated a metallic ping every four seconds, nearly matching our drippy kitchen faucet. Maybe things were a little too quiet. I added Chinese traditional music on Spotify to dull the drips.
Anyway, six solid hours of writing, reading, research, editing, and housework was enough to land me back in the salt-crusted silver Fit by 2:10, driving across the river to pick up my Big Guy.
Every day is good for Puck these days. I would guess so, considering that he can’t decide whether he even wants a snow day or not when the possibility arises.
He plunged right at me again, fresh out of the gym, forgot his water thermos, and announced that he – in fact – no longer preferred cold pork for lunch. Back to the drawing board.
“Happy Feet” was the movie in question for our weekly dinner-and-a-movie night. Also, fish tacos: swai, crunchy green things, cheddar, sour cream, and guacamole. No complaints from the ravenous beast. Topped that off with banana chips for dessert.
As we adjourned for the evening to the couch – good reads – Puck asked me to explain what a “play on words” was. I don’t think he really listened to the definition. I could tell he already had his own explanation ready to go.
“I’m going to do a play on words, Mom!” He rose from the couch and walked to the center of the room. Raising one finger in the air, looking skywards in mock contemplative thought. “Rome, oh, Romeo! Blah, blah, blah!” And hit the floor.
Oxbear walked through the front door just in time to say goodnight to Puck. He had made an emergency stop at Target for last-minute green and blue clothing for Spirit Day the following morning. Puck and I had quickly come to the conclusion that a green Minecraft shirt and blue track pants weren’t going to cut it. So there it was – a fresh stack of navy pants and green plaid Shaun White collared shirt. I think that should make the cut.