Hitler Pancakes

Carpool. Heidi and Yali passed my “I Voted” sticker back and forth for awhile until the sticker lost its stick.


I walked to the mailbox when we got back from school.

“Is there a package in the mail for me?” Puck asked.

“No… Were you expecting something?”

“No. I was just hoping it’d be a Lego set or somethin’.”

“Well, considering what Dad just bought for you at the Lego Store last weekend, I think you’re good for awhile.”

“I know,” Puck sighed as we walked through the door. “But there’s sin in the world, so no one’s ever satisfied.”


Pancakes for dinner.

“Can you make them into the shapes of Donald Trump and Hitler?” Puck asked.

Clearly the kids had been discussing little tikes politics at school. We had a talk.

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Jamie Larson