One Out Till Spring
Dripping silver on a bronze world; rain fell heavy at 5:30 and continued through the morning, glassy puddles on pavement.
Puck was in the kitchen discussing dollhouse miniatures with his dad.
“Maybe we could stop by Hobby Lobby and see what else they have,” El Oso suggested, mixing tea for his new winter cold.
“Yeah! We could get some furniture and Coca Cola?”
“I’m not sure they have Coca-Cola for doll houses …”
“No, I’m not into dolls, Dad. I just feel like making a little house.” He rummaged through his red toolbox of more knickknacks. “Look, Mom. A diamond. Pure plastic. Why are diamonds so valuable, Mom? It’s just like a piece of glass that has minerals in it. It just has minerals and other things in it. I don’t understand why people think it’s so important. There’s just minerals and stuff in it. I don’t get it.”
“Neither do I, son.”
Sloshing through rain to the Silverspoon’s behind a gray Kia advertising on the rear windshield: Basic Cremation $950.00.
The driveway was also slippy when we arrived. Theodore was washing eggs from a local farm in the kitchen sink. Roast chicken in the oven, sweet potatoes, a loaf of sourdough bread. Puck couldn’t stop munching countless slices spiked with chunks of butter. “MM-MM-MM-MM-MMM!!” Or, “Could I have something WITH CORN IN IT?!” El Oso postponed his plans for guitar repair shopping with Ricky that afternoon, due to his increasing head cold, swallowed some garlic pills. And Puck had packed up to spend the night, which kicked off with a viewing of “Over the Hedge” during dinner: large chunks of meat. This kid has got it good.
Puck’s Blog: Age 6: Day #25
Saturday morning. Three PM. I woke up and played Minecraft. Well, not Minecraft. I watched some videos mostly. Curious George, after awhile. Well, let’s just get to the main point. I haven’t done much today. I’ll blog about it in a minute after I go play video games downstairs. I’ll be back in an hour.
Adoption Status: Down: 4 years, 5 months; To Go: 1 year, 10 months.