So Delish
I could see Yali in my rearview mirror as we coasted down the Page Extension back home. It was only about eight-thirty in the morning and he was already bobbing his head to more techno. He will also gladly tolerate Puerto Rican hip-hop and some Bluegrass.
It was another afternoon of wind, more clouds, and cooler. Just as good by my book. Big J, Puck, Heidi, and Yali played “tag” around the playground together for almost an hour, red-faced from running, until Yali threw a temper tantrum. But it was four o’clock anyway, and home called.
La sopa was not going over well at dinner again. I try not to use the word “leftovers” with the boys; see where it gets me.
“Mom, PLEASE! Can I just make myself something else? PLEASE?!”
Normally I’d say no, but in the space of half an hour only about two bites had been accomplished, and I had to get to the laundry. So while I hauled one load to the basement to start the wash, I allowed it.
“If you want to make yourself a corned beef sandwich, knock yourself out, bud. I only make one dinner a day.”
“Okay,” I heard him say to himself. “I’m going to make something and it’s going to be delish! Corned beef delight! This is going to be so delish. Braggedy brag brag brag.”
When I came back up from doing the laundry, Puck presented his culinary creation with exuberance. I’m not sure what happened to the corned beef. Instead, he’d slapped sliced strawberries, cheese, and butter between two slices of toast and called it a sandwich.
“Well, that is something, Puck.”
Meanwhile, Crackers the cat-beast was busy strangling her paws in my kitchen curtains, slowly and systematically shredding them to pieces. I’m pretty sure she lays out attack plans on a nightly basis: Battle of The Curtain.
And Yali, post-soup, was now walking around the kitchen going to town on a whole stick of butter.
By the time Oxbear walked in late from work, I confess I was ready to hand them over for a little while.
“Oración?” I said to Yali, right before bed.
He clasped both hands together, ready for prayer, as Oxbear held him, nodding to Puck to do the same.
“Amen,” Oxbear concluded.
“AMEH!” Yali said with a huge grin.
Things aren’t too bad around here.