The Nonsense of Life
Bull fight. In the passages that connect one dream world to the next, I often revisit the same over-arching dream “feeling”, if you will. This particular scenario was not one of them. I’m not sure how long I stayed in the ring, but Collette and angry bulls don’t mix too well. Somehow I sauntered out of there and noticed the final length of the fight being chalked up on the board some time later – 55 minutes.
My second sequence sent me to a crumby hole-in-the-wall apartment complex where some lady was sobbing about being robbed, completely cleaned out. Some sinking feeling told me the same thing had happened to us. Sure enough – everything gone.
“The violins too?” I asked some random bystander.
Yup, violins too.
Somehow I was more concerned in finding out whether some valuable papers of mine had been burgled as well. Woke up before I found out.
With that nonsense out of my system, I returned to the real world.
Snow. Just enough to shake things up a little – snowglobe dusting – not enough to cancel school. Later in the morning, even a little “sun snow”, like raining glitter. But enough about wintery weather.
Carrie-Bri and I spent a portion of the afternoon beefing up our website and “public profile”; whatever the public demands. And if that means giving them the name of our favorite place to catch a grilled cheese, or the color of our eyeballs, then it must be done.
A line of kids passed Puck down the hall on their way to chess club.
“Hi, Puck!”
“Hi, Puck!”
“Hi, Puck!”
I’m not going to say he’s popular at school, but I’m also not going to say that he’s not.
Puck received a long-requested film for movie night – “The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again”. I think it’s pretty safe to say he was riveted to this classic piece of Barney Fife comedy, plowing through another Irish grilled cheese and three juicy wedges of cantaloupe.
After farming through our own acres of work later that evening, Oxbear and I finally took a break and watched a little Stanley Tucci.