Yali Time
Yali, making his green dinosaur puppet speak to Patience…
“Hola! Hola lah-migos! I have sharp teeth. My tongue is long! Patience, say, ‘Ew!’ I’m not real. I’m just pretend! Here, feel my tongue. … No! Don’t pull my tongue out! Silly Goose! I’m a DINOSAUR! And I BITE people! I’m just pretend!” As he transitioned into singing the Lion King theme song, he ended with, “I think he’s a lollipop. Are you a lollipop? Made out of solid gold.”
A short time later, Yali changed themes, preparing Rose to accompany him…
“We’re going on an adventure. We’re giving our blessing to God,” he declared, as he shot an Obi Wan Kenobi action figure out of a Gus-made Solo cup slingshot.